In the last decade the people of Zimbabwe have been staggering beneath a yoke of despair.
Unemployment statistics are now at close to 90%.
The population has faced poverty, successive droughts, and economic disaster.
In July 2008 hyperinflation resulted in the total collapse of the Zimbabwean currency.
These conditions have been aggravated by a largely out of control AIDS pandemic which has left an estimated one in four children without their parents.
A chaotic and violent land reform programme has left the once thriving agricultural sector bankrupt, and demoralised.
Sadly food now has to be imported into the country.
Yet despite all these setbacks the Zimbabwean people demonstrate a resilience and openness to those who would come alongside them
in partnership and encourage them in rebuilding and sharing the gospel.
The Zimbabwe Partnership Trust has been set up to send assistance to our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe in response to this crisis,
and is now encouraging the churches in the UK to support us in achieving the following objectives:
To support churches in their ministry and mission
To relieve poverty among churches and their communities
The Trust has adopted the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, but is willing to work with all Bible-believing churches in Zimbabwe. The Trust carries out its work in partnership with Christian groups and agencies in Zimbabwe, the UK and other countries. Most of the trust members have visited Zimbabwe and seen first hand the wonderful way in which the Zimbabwean Christians have worked together in meeting the desperate needs of their communities.